die Entwicklung des Geocachens. Die Verführung, diese wissenschaftlich zu begleiten, liegt auf der Hand.
Jeroen Geertzen tut dies und hat zwei beindruckende gifs ins Netz gestellt, die das Aufkommen des Geocachens weltweit und europaweit sehr anschaulich machen. Hier der Cachestatus Europa im Mai 2007:

(...) The movie shows that early geocaching activity concentrated in Germany, the Belenux, and the United Kingdom, and quickly get picked up in southern urban Scandinavia. The low activity in southern and Eastern Europe compared to Western Europe could be explained by the nature of geocaching. Keeping in mind that the activity is mediated by internet for the publication of coordinates and cache descriptions, it is not suprising to see that geocaching activity seems to be correlated with internet penetration, which is considerably higher in Western Europe and Scandinavia than in the other parts (...)