I liked the idea so much that I have decided to do an entire series based on the viewpoint of putting out each size of geocache for the first time. In this video we concentrate on 35mm containers. We show how to cammi them up and some great suggestions on where to hide them in the wild. The next video will be on the small size but instead of concentrating more on the making of the geocache (which we will go over) but instead we will focus on finding good places to hide that size geocache. As we progress up through the sizes you will gain more and more information until you are a well informed geocacher.
meint head hard hat, ein gewichtiger Herr aus South Carolina, der ganz gute Tutorials produziert. In dieser Serie gehts um das Verstecken der ersten Caches in unterschiedlichen Größen. Wer allerdings ohnehin schon alle Tricks zu kennen glaubt, den mag vielleicht der Einblick in das amerikanische Cacher Milieu interessieren:
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